Entrenadora júnior

Three smiling Girls on the Run junior coaches

Entrenadora júnior

¡Desempeñarte como entrenadora júnior es una manera divertida y gratificante de participar en Girls on the Run! Este puesto de voluntaria está destinado a chicas de 16 a 18 años que estén cursando la escuela secundaria y quieran desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo. A la par de un entrenador guía, las entrenadoras júnior reciben apoyo para desarrollar sus propias habilidades mientras actúan como modelos para seguir para las participantes del programa.


Lilia, animatrice junior

“Junior coach training taught me how to empower my teammates and inspired me to reflect on my own vulnerabilities.”

Lilia, Junior Coach

<ul> <li>Avoir de 16 &agrave; 18&nbsp;ans (&agrave; l&rsquo;&eacute;cole secondaire)</li> <li>S&rsquo;identifier comme &eacute;tant une fille</li> <li>Retourner les r&eacute;f&eacute;r


  • Be 16-18 years of age (in high school) 
  • Identify as female
  • Return completed reference
  • Return signed waiver (signed by parent/guardian if under 18)
  • Complete background check (if 18 years old)
  • Complete Junior Coach application
  • Complete online and in-person training
  • Consistently attend practice (minimum of once per week)
  • Commit 1.5-3 hours of time each week for 10 weeks

Principales funciones y responsabilidades

There are three core duties to serve as a Junior Coach, and they each come with responsibilities. 

  1. Junior Coaches must serve as role models. 
    • Understand and believe in the mission and vision of Girls on the Run
    • Represent themself, the Junior Coach program and Girls on the Run in a responsible, respectful manner both during and outside of the program (including on social media)
    • Serve as positive role models on their team in their words and actions
    • Commit to fully engage in sessions with participants and coaches 
  2. Junior Coaches must foster a positive, inclusive environment. 
    • Build relationships with and between teammates
    • Encourage and motivate participants
    • Participate in games and workouts with the team, encouraging everyone to give their best effort
  3. Junior Coaches must develop their leadership skills. 
    • Lead activities and lessons from the Girls on the Run curriculum 
    • Support co-coaches as they lead activities from the curriculum 
    • Collaborate with a mentor coach to receive and act on constructive feedback 

Season Details

Actuar como modelo para seguir y líder para la próxima generación.

Preguntas frecuentes

Además de los dos o tres entrenadores de 18 años de edad o más, algunos equipos también pueden tener asignada una entrenadora júnior. Las entrenadoras júnior son voluntarias de la secundaria que tienen entre 16 y 18 años y completan una solicitud y una capacitación. Son modelos para seguir y líderes en proceso de formación, que asisten a los entrenadores adultos y orientan al equipo.

Hay niñas que te necesitan a TI para que las ayudes a desplegar su energía y potencial. Si estás considerando ser entrenador, pregúntate lo siguiente: ¿Qué mejor regalo puedes hacerle a la próxima generación que inspirar confianza y un fuerte sentido de sí mismas?

  • Casi el 100 % de las niñas afirmó que sus entrenadores de Girls on the Run se preocupan por ellas.
  • El 99 % de los entrenadores estuvo de acuerdo en que la experiencia de ser entrenador había sido valiosa para ellos.
  • El 96 % de los entrenadores afirmó que sentían que habían forjado relaciones positivas con las niñas de su equipo.
  • El 94 % de los entrenadores de Girls on the Run afirmó que sentían que estaban marcando una diferencia en las vidas de las niñas.

No! Girls on the Run provides the training, curriculum and supplies needed to safely lead a team for a season! You simply need to be a motivating role model for your team. Many of our junior coaches and coaches participate in their first 5K alongside their team!

A reference should not be an immediate family member. Think about a community member, teacher, mentor, coach or family friend who can accurately and positively share more about the Junior Coach with Girls on the Run.

A minimum of one coach per team must have CPR and First Aid certification on file by the first session of any given season and be present at every practice. This is something our council ensures. If you are planning to coach with friends or family members, this means one of you must be. It is not the expectation that junior coaches are CPR certified, but know a coach they work alongside will be.

Yes! Junior coaches are placed according to their geographic location and their availability at sites that need additional coaches. 

No! We provide you with training, curriculum and supplies – everything needed to coach a safe, successful season! You should not incur any personal costs to provide the program to your team. As a Junior Coach, you will receive guidance from the team’s coaches, too. 

Our council provides each program location with the curriculum and supplies needed to facilitate the season. We will contact coaches to arrange pick-up for their team’s materials.  

There are in-person and online training sessions for junior coaches. Our council will contact you with exact dates and information. 

Coaches and junior coaches must attend and lead 75 to 90-minute practices twice per week. To provide a consistent experience to participants, your commitment is crucial to prepare and collaborate with co-coaches to facilitate fun, successful lessons. Each season lasts 10 weeks and culminates with a team-led community project and celebratory 5K event.  

Teams may practice at designated parks, recreation and community centers, homes and schools. The location and times are approved prior to participant registration each season. Practice times are typically set in the last afternoon/early evening hours (to accommodate participants after school). All teams practice on-site with the possibility of transitioning to virtual programming depending on public health directives.  

Junior coaches may indicate where they would like to coach. If there is not a preference, we will assign them to a location in need close to their geographical location. 

We try to assign only one Junior Coach per team, but that's not always the case! Each Girls on the Run team is led by two to three trained coaches, and sometimes a Junior Coach. If you would like to coach at an existing site with another applicant (such as a parent/guardian or family friend), please mention this in your application and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Thanks for considering the vital role of serving as a volunteer junior coach for Girls on the Run. If you still have questions about how you can unlock the power and potential girls in your community, please contact us!

Thanks for considering the vital role of serving as a volunteer junior coach for Girls on the Run. If you still have questions about how you can unlock the power and potential girls in your community, please contact us!

Email Us


Encuentra tu equipo

Nuestro programa de entrenadoras júnior es perfecto para crear lazos con la comunidad e inculcar liderazgo, a la vez que se genera un impacto en la próxima generación.


Encuentra tu equipo